146. Cacophony - Districts
Small Acrylic boards / canvases in frame
44.6cm x 44.6cm
Exhibited at the Eagle Gallery 'Five Ways' Sat 19th - Sat 26th November 2022
Exhibited at members' show, Eagle Gallery, 7th -30th March 2023
Exhibited at Eagle Gallery members exhibition (24th October - 16th November 2023)
Exhibited at The Workhouse "Landscape and Layers" (10th April - 18th may 2024)
Exhibited at The Workhouse "Colourways" (22nd May - 29th June 2024)
The Cacophony series might arguably be my “happy place”. Once the initial creative decisions are decided upon; it’s an issue of production and just getting it done. And the “getting it done” is the happy place where one colours in the shapes trying to not go over the lines like I’m five years old again. I can’t just switch off in this part of the process, however, as colour choices need to be made. A famous artist would set up a Jeff Koons style production line where I hand over my scribbles to some underling to realise the work.
Maybe the whole process is important though, and it certainly allows me to feel ownership over the work.
On completion of each Cacophony, a new variation comes into my head and it’s on to the next. This one has been in the background for a while and has now had a final spurt of industry as the deadline for my new group show at the Eagle looms.
This was very much led by what small canvases I had in stock rather than any purchasing them to suit a meaning. – Shouldn’t really admit to that but that’s the way it is. Perhaps its time to move on – when a series of paintings becomes “I better do another one” rather than “I desperately want to do another one.”
So maybe that’s it for Cacophony – not sure – watch this space.
44.6cm x 44.6cm
Exhibited at the Eagle Gallery 'Five Ways' Sat 19th - Sat 26th November 2022
Exhibited at members' show, Eagle Gallery, 7th -30th March 2023
Exhibited at Eagle Gallery members exhibition (24th October - 16th November 2023)
Exhibited at The Workhouse "Landscape and Layers" (10th April - 18th may 2024)
Exhibited at The Workhouse "Colourways" (22nd May - 29th June 2024)
The Cacophony series might arguably be my “happy place”. Once the initial creative decisions are decided upon; it’s an issue of production and just getting it done. And the “getting it done” is the happy place where one colours in the shapes trying to not go over the lines like I’m five years old again. I can’t just switch off in this part of the process, however, as colour choices need to be made. A famous artist would set up a Jeff Koons style production line where I hand over my scribbles to some underling to realise the work.
Maybe the whole process is important though, and it certainly allows me to feel ownership over the work.
On completion of each Cacophony, a new variation comes into my head and it’s on to the next. This one has been in the background for a while and has now had a final spurt of industry as the deadline for my new group show at the Eagle looms.
This was very much led by what small canvases I had in stock rather than any purchasing them to suit a meaning. – Shouldn’t really admit to that but that’s the way it is. Perhaps its time to move on – when a series of paintings becomes “I better do another one” rather than “I desperately want to do another one.”
So maybe that’s it for Cacophony – not sure – watch this space.
All Paintings are © Andrew J Naish
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